Monday, August 30, 2010

A new day dawning.

    As I was heading to work today I remembered a time when I was without a place to sleep, or shower or anything else for that matter. It was a about 15 years ago and I was with a boyfriend and we were going away for my birthday. Needless to say. It turned out to be a bad weekend for me. I was stuck in a city I had no idea where to go, what to do, where to turn. I remember the helpless feeling. and How alone I was. I called my parents and they made sure I found a way home. Those three days were the worst days of my life. I won't go into details because it isn't worth rethinking. But I was only that way for three days I can't imagine how lost these people feel. So in hopes that I can make a difference, and help someone not feel so alone I do this with a goal in mind. Keep someone warm maybe give them some hope, because everyone needs to know that someone cares.

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