A place to share my love for Charity work and to encourage others to do the same.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Day of Realization........
A day of Realization. Why you may ask. Well because today. My son, my Mother and My sister and I went to Harris Riverfront park and there was a lot of homeless there. several local churches were there, giving them a hot breakfast, and personal care packages and some other things. It was heartwarming, and the great thing was it wasn't just churches. People from all over were bring items for them. We took 24 packages like the ones pictured. each bag contained a fleece blanket, a pair of gloves, a pair of socks, a scarf ,a comb, a razor, and toothbrush and toothpaste. It wasn't much and they could use so much more. The hardest thing for me was knowing that what we brought was not enough. So my mission continues. I took my son with me because I wanted to teach him that we are truly blessed and that there are others who need our love and smiles. and maybe a blanket or two.So if anything we do has touched you, you can help too. I think the thing that touched me was the ones who wouldn't just walk over and get the little care packages we had. It was like they had lost hope and within that their pride. It was just so sad. Because every living being needs to know that we all need a hand sometimes. Either a hand to hold or just a hand up. Maybe we can do more in a month because homelessness knows no season or reason. And I only hope that if it were me and my son that someone would feel the desire to help me too.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Another blanket for the babies.
This is the Baby Blanket I finished about a week or so ago. It will be going to Gods Tiny angels, for a needy baby somewhere. They are the first charity that I started giving to, and we (mom and I) continue to make items for. Its a newborn blanket made on the rectangle granny square pattern. My thoughts are still aimed at the homeless, but I have slipped some. I have been busy planning my future. I am proud to say that I am going back to school. January 10, I will be starting college and pursuing a social worker degree. Other than my the birth of my son this feels like the best thing in my life to do. I will not only better myself for the future of my family but I will be hopefully teaching my son that its a good thing to go to college.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
A Big Reality check for me
This is a baby blanket I made for a supervisor at work, they are expecting their third miracle from God On Thanksgiving Day, I hope they enjoy it along with some other things that are going with it.
My reality check is this........In making my goal 125 scarves by November 1st I have realized that was an unrealistic goal, because when I set that goal I was depending on others to help me. I have come to know over this last month that I cannot force my thoughts onto other, and not everyone shares my views on charity. In the future I will place my goals based on myself and pray that God will allow me to achieve those goals with one thought in mind, Give to others, as I have been given to. I will continue to work towards helping others, whether it be Homeless, Babies, Battered women and children, Special Olympics, or Cancer victims, and if need be my next door neighbor. I hope that someone is touched with hope every time they receive something homemade by me or someone else because the love is there.
My reality check is this........In making my goal 125 scarves by November 1st I have realized that was an unrealistic goal, because when I set that goal I was depending on others to help me. I have come to know over this last month that I cannot force my thoughts onto other, and not everyone shares my views on charity. In the future I will place my goals based on myself and pray that God will allow me to achieve those goals with one thought in mind, Give to others, as I have been given to. I will continue to work towards helping others, whether it be Homeless, Babies, Battered women and children, Special Olympics, or Cancer victims, and if need be my next door neighbor. I hope that someone is touched with hope every time they receive something homemade by me or someone else because the love is there.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Slowing down but not forgotten.............
Its been busy at work and haven't been able to crochet as much, but did manage a few things.
I am so glad that the Bridge and Beyond have been able to enjoy the items that have been sent. The Blue Scarf (red heart: Turqua and Blue 886) is for the Special Olympics, Every year they chose a new color for their scarves, and every participant that is in the Olympics gets to wear a hand made scarf, Its a little thing but just think of the smile on these wonderful faces. It is worth it to me to step out of the box and do something different, which is not really different but colors I never dreamed would go together . Was I wrong, aren't they beautiful together? And the Beautiful squares go to Share a Square, a project that takes a 6x6 square with a 12 inch tale and puts them together to make an afghan for children with Cancer. A great way to use the scraps of yarn left over from all the scarves we do. Or anything else you may do. Think of the smiles. Now on to make my first set of slippers for the Pink Slipper project, a group that shares slippers with abused and battered women and children in shelters around the country. Mom has made a pair and they are surprisingly warm, I thought it would be rough on the feet but again I am wrong. If you have questions about any of these projects look them up. There are so many worthy charities and projects that need out help won't you join us too.
I am so glad that the Bridge and Beyond have been able to enjoy the items that have been sent. The Blue Scarf (red heart: Turqua and Blue 886) is for the Special Olympics, Every year they chose a new color for their scarves, and every participant that is in the Olympics gets to wear a hand made scarf, Its a little thing but just think of the smile on these wonderful faces. It is worth it to me to step out of the box and do something different, which is not really different but colors I never dreamed would go together . Was I wrong, aren't they beautiful together? And the Beautiful squares go to Share a Square, a project that takes a 6x6 square with a 12 inch tale and puts them together to make an afghan for children with Cancer. A great way to use the scraps of yarn left over from all the scarves we do. Or anything else you may do. Think of the smiles. Now on to make my first set of slippers for the Pink Slipper project, a group that shares slippers with abused and battered women and children in shelters around the country. Mom has made a pair and they are surprisingly warm, I thought it would be rough on the feet but again I am wrong. If you have questions about any of these projects look them up. There are so many worthy charities and projects that need out help won't you join us too.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Boxes recieved, and appreciated!!!!!!!
Still crocheting, and will be shipping another on Friday. Thought I might try a mitten, mom is working on one now to try it out. I am so glad that the boxes were recieved, and will hopefully be posting more completed items soon.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
3 boxes shipped............
Well..........the good news is we have shipped 3 boxes of scarves and some things to the bridge and beyond. I am sure Sandy will make good use of everything. Special Thanks to Mom, Ayleen, Tabi, and Pat for your help we still have more to go. Also the other good news it looks like Noah does not have the chicken pox LOL. Have a great day and will post more hopefully this weekend.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
My Pattern.....48 to go, YeeHaw!!!
The Pattern I use, which is just one I made up.
Using a size N Hook
2 Skeins of worsted weight yarn (4 ply)
double strand.
Row 1: Chain 103
Row 2: In third chain from hook DC in each D/C across.
Row 3-5: Chain 2 and D/C in each D/C across
Trim Row: end of row 5 ch 2, 3 D/C in the same stitch. D/C around entire scarf using 3 D/C at each corner. Slip Stitch together when back at start, finish off, weave in ends.
I am so excited that we are almost there. If this pattern is a duplicate of something someone else uses, and you feel I am infringing on a copyright and I will remove the pattern Immediately. Just contact me with any problems. Don't forget everyone that soap, razors, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and other personal items would be greatly appreciated find a shelter or mission in your area to share your love and hope as well.
Using a size N Hook
2 Skeins of worsted weight yarn (4 ply)
double strand.
Row 1: Chain 103
Row 2: In third chain from hook DC in each D/C across.
Row 3-5: Chain 2 and D/C in each D/C across
Trim Row: end of row 5 ch 2, 3 D/C in the same stitch. D/C around entire scarf using 3 D/C at each corner. Slip Stitch together when back at start, finish off, weave in ends.
I am so excited that we are almost there. If this pattern is a duplicate of something someone else uses, and you feel I am infringing on a copyright and I will remove the pattern Immediately. Just contact me with any problems. Don't forget everyone that soap, razors, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and other personal items would be greatly appreciated find a shelter or mission in your area to share your love and hope as well.
Friday, September 17, 2010
66 and Counting

Friday, September 10, 2010
Up to 59
We are up to 59 if my count is correct. I am hoping to ship some next week or so. I am hoping that I have not set my goal too high. But I have faith and I am hoping to make squares or hats with all the yarn balls I have left out of my skeins. Thanks to mom who hunts the patterns for me. The majority of these are double strand.
Family update: Noah is doing well in school and is seeming to be better at doing his homework for Mom.
These are for the Bridge project.
Family update: Noah is doing well in school and is seeming to be better at doing his homework for Mom.
These are for the Bridge project.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Let me Give
I do not know how long I'll live ,but while I live. Lord let me give, some comfort to someone in need, by smile, or nod, kind word or deed. And let me do whatever I can to ease things for my fellow man. I want naught but to do my part. To lift a tired or weary heart To change folks frowns to smiles again.Then I will not have lived in vain I'll never care how long I'll live. If I can Give,Give,Give...Author unknown
2 more from Tabi today and two for me, Maybe tomorrow I will try to add the pics. Lets keep up the good work everyone. 58 Total so far and four more working on some.
2 more from Tabi today and two for me, Maybe tomorrow I will try to add the pics. Lets keep up the good work everyone. 58 Total so far and four more working on some.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
3 Done today, and more people asking how they can help.
Today started out really well, I got a scarf done in three hours and another in three more hours and finally one more. LOL I know it seems silly but I only work on them during the day not while at home with my wonderful son Noah, He is my world. I have had three more people ask me if I had enough yarn for them too as they wanted to make scarves as well. I was so excited so tomorrow I will be taking alot of yarn to work to hand out to others that feel the need in their hearts do something for others. These are the three I finished today. I hope someone will get some great use out of them. Thanks to all that follow maybe I will post a picture of three more for tomorrow. ( let's hope).
Friday, September 3, 2010
More to add to our total. Thank you ladies......
These are from Ayleen and Tabi, I wouldn't be able to do this without their help. You guys rock. I am going to go through our yarn stash today and see how many more skeins I can get from it. That are appropriate for the cause. Any thought, ideas? I have also been collecting individual packaged razors, soaps, toothbrushes,toothpaste and things of that nature, as I am sure all items would be appreciated.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010
A new day dawning.
As I was heading to work today I remembered a time when I was without a place to sleep, or shower or anything else for that matter. It was a about 15 years ago and I was with a boyfriend and we were going away for my birthday. Needless to say. It turned out to be a bad weekend for me. I was stuck in a city I had no idea where to go, what to do, where to turn. I remember the helpless feeling. and How alone I was. I called my parents and they made sure I found a way home. Those three days were the worst days of my life. I won't go into details because it isn't worth rethinking. But I was only that way for three days I can't imagine how lost these people feel. So in hopes that I can make a difference, and help someone not feel so alone I do this with a goal in mind. Keep someone warm maybe give them some hope, because everyone needs to know that someone cares.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Why I choose to do this.
I know many of you wonder why I chose to do this. Well, first My son was born in Cabell Huntington Hospital, in Huntington West Virginia in July 2003, they had a large NICU and it was so sad to see those tiny little babies. And they are so cold you can just watch them shiver. of course they shiver because they're so tiny. I'm sure there are many scientific reasons why but they just looked cold. So my mom got on the net and started looking for charity sites to hopefully become a part of. That's when she found Gods Tiny Angels, and it also helped that they were a local charity. Through this group we started crocheting baby items. And through this process we learned that in some cities babies have nothing to go home with. Some have nothing to be buried in. Not even a blanket.So the idea took hold.
Later, My mother, sister, son and I were on our way home from Hobby Lobby and a man was on the bridge with a sign that said "Will work for food". I am not going to lie and say that in the past It never occurred to me to help, but that day, God touched me, and I knew I needed to do something. So we gave him some money and he was so grateful, it felt good. it felt right. Then the search was on to find someway to help. So, the thought to crochet scarves kicked in. it has taken a while but, the desire was stronger than before. We then decided to take it to others. I asked my co-workers if they could crochet, and if they could if I provided the yarn would they make some too. They did and I am now setting a goal to make a least 125 scarves before winter gets here. I have never really thought about it but I had someone ask me why homeless people. I ask Why Not? In these economic times money is tighter than ever, and if I lost my job tomorrow how long would it be before I was out of options. About four weeks. I know not many people think about these things but you have to. Prices are going up, and wages are not. So why not help someone just like me?
I like to read James Patterson novels, Laurell K Hamilton as well as many others, singing is a hobby and now I am doing this. If you took the time to read this, take the time to think. What if it were me? What if it was my baby? What if? If you want to help others, you don't have to link up with me, but link up with a group, check them out. If not for anything but the knowing that it could be us.
Friday, August 27, 2010
More blankets
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